30.000 referred companies / African Directory of the businesses
Wafbu Advertisements
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Advertiser : Announce site Country : France Date :23/11/2005
Objet :Your publicity in the African embassies of France
You carry on a commercial activity and wish to target the African customers of France and all the visitors
of the African countries which pass by the embassies .You can insert your publicity on screens giant plasmas
into the consular service of the African embassies into the consulates of Senegal, of Gabon, and soon
with the consulate of the Benign one , and other Embassies which are on the way to be equipped soon . Contact : click here
Advertiser : 2SRK-solutions Country : France Date :23/11/2005
Object :Systems Safety Networks a solution in all K
company of data-processing services which offers to very undertaken the services of engineering and of
integration of systems which cover general-purpose activities to analyze, to realize, test, document,
install and to support information processing systems, also services of data-processing maintenance,
installation or reinstalment of system as well as the repair of computer equipement to install ,
to that data processing and council in the purchase of hardware or software adapted to your needs Contact : click here
Advertiser : Africa Business Opportunities Country : France Date :23/11/2005
Object :Business appropriatenesses
To become privileged or exclusive distributor of plates and discs of brake
To become privileged or exclusive distributor of perfume and cosmetic
Wholesale, wholesale trades and detail of all produced not regulated
Advertiser : A.A.C.(Alain Amghar Consultants) Country : France/Canada Date :23/11/2005
Object :formations, project management ...
formations and assistances with paid companies and administrations for the acquisition of the culture,
methods, techniques and tools to manage the projets(analyse strategic, led changes ,
evaluation and estimates of the projects, culture of projects, project management, planning and piloting of
projects, animation of the teams, techniques of negotiation, control of meetings, analyze risks ,
to manage a project within the framework of the backers, Microsoft Project ...). Contact : click here
Valid advertisements 60 days,
subjected to conditions to see contacts
Advertiser : Andreas Weiss (BioMaxx Systems Inc) Country : Africa Date :16/12/2005
Object :To invest in Africa ...
BioMaxx Systems Inc. also provide professional consulting services in the fields of Biotechnology, Bio
Fuels, Renewable energy and related specializations Contact : click here
Advertiser : PATRICK LABATAILLE WOODY PRODUCTIONS Country : Africa Date :28/11/2005
Object :To invest in East Africa (Kenya/Tanzania) ...
I search to buy or rent a night club in Africa.
I have 19 years of night experience in big disco in France, Spain and Gabon
Regards. Patrick Contact : click here
African directory of the business | Directory of the African diaspora | Directory of export towards Africa | African gate | Yellow pages of Africa in the world | African companies