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Wafbu(World Africa Business)

30.000 referred companies / African Directory of the businesses

Responsibility for the Originator & Realizer

Wafbu Europe Sarl, originator and realizer this Gate of the business with Africa throughout the world, endeavoured to make WAFBU a professional and reliable tool. The exhaustiveness of the lists nor the strict exactitude of advertising information and insertions however it would not know to guarantee that WAFBU contains or will contain in the future. It declines consequently any responsibility because of errors or for omissions which could be noted. The companies being entirely and exclusively persons in charge for information, illustrations, texts, etc, appearing in their advertising insertions, any complaint relating to these last will have to be addressed directly to the advertiser concerned.

This also applies to the data related to the companies relative to their co-ordinates, in the same way, Marcaurel’s concept could not guarantee the exactitude of the data, the contents of these last being entirely under the responsibility for the companies which deposit them. However, Marcaurel' S concept will endeavour to practise severe checks in this respect.


©All reproduction rights reserved for all countries. The adaptation of the contents, translation of whole or part of the waiter, seizure of the names, addresses, information of telecommunications, elements of the index of the products services and activities, at any other end that the everyday usage and recognized of a directory, are prohibited and could be the continuation object. Originator & Realizer : Marcaurel’s concept.

Address of Wafbu

Wafbu for the moment is located in Paris at
s/C NZUZI 6, public garden of the Carders
75020 Paris France Tel.: 33 6 62 48 64 19..

Soon you will have the addresses of the representations of Wafbu in Africa and America


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Export to Africa
African directory of the business | Directory of the African diaspora | Directory of export towards Africa | African gate | Yellow pages of Africa in the world | African companies

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