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Wafbu(World Africa Business)

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Publicity in Wafbu

To post an advertisement in Wafbu or to propose an advertising offer, please contact our sales department .

You will have the choice between :

A personalized page of your entreprise which will enable you to make a presentation of your company including/understanding :
  • Who are we? detail provided by the company
  • Activities : description up to 255 characters(useful for the result of research bus being used as key words
  • Co-ordinates : address, phone, fax, email, Web site
  • Comments : you can, if you want it, add the sales turnover, the number of the employees, or another thing
  • Count personalized :with a login and a password, who will allow you to reach your data and to modify them at will

To make advertisements in Offers of the month ou/et Export towards Africa
  • with your advertisement which includes/understands 255 characters of text and an image to illustrate the contents, announces that you can modify every month thanks to your login and your password

With the commercial bonds in the banner page, or the pages of research, or other pages, you can return your to undertake more readable, under format "advertisements textual", or "banners" or "logos".


Keyword search
To type ex:Name co. or or or Data processing or activity of enterprise
Seek by the nomenclature(with more than 380 activities ...)
Export to Africa
African directory of the business | Directory of the African diaspora | Directory of export towards Africa | African gate | Yellow pages of Africa in the world | African companies

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